How to Obtain Client ID and Client Secret from Azure Active Directory

3 min read

How do i get client id and client secret from azure – In the realm of cloud computing, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) stands as a formidable guardian of identity and access management. To harness its full potential, developers must acquire two crucial credentials: the client ID and client secret. This guide will embark on an enlightening journey, deciphering the intricacies of obtaining these essential keys and empowering you to unlock the boundless possibilities of Azure AD.

Azure AD serves as the cornerstone for authentication and authorization within the Microsoft cloud ecosystem. By registering an application in Azure AD, developers can establish a trusted relationship between their application and the Azure platform. This process grants the application a unique client ID, which serves as its identifier within Azure AD, and a client secret, which acts as a secure password for authenticating the application.

Obtain Client ID and Client Secret for Azure Active Directory: How Do I Get Client Id And Client Secret From Azure

How do i get client id and client secret from azure

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service that enables organizations to manage and secure access to applications and resources.

To obtain your Azure client ID and secret, navigate to the Azure portal and create a new application. Once registered, you’ll be provided with the necessary credentials. Now, let’s shift our focus to the impact of inhumane farming methods on animals.

As detailed in this article , these practices can lead to severe health issues, behavioral problems, and reduced lifespans. Returning to our original topic, ensure you securely store your Azure client ID and secret to prevent unauthorized access.

Client ID and client secret are essential credentials for applications to authenticate with Azure AD and access protected resources. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process for obtaining client ID and client secret for Azure AD.


  • An Azure AD tenant
  • An Azure subscription

Steps, How do i get client id and client secret from azure

  1. Register an application in Azure AD
  2. Configure application permissions
  3. Retrieve client ID and client secret

Utilize Azure Portal to Retrieve Client ID and Client Secret

To retrieve the client ID and client secret, you can utilize the Azure Portal. This method involves creating a new Azure AD application or modifying an existing one.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal and sign in with your Azure account.
  2. In the Azure Portal, click on the “Azure Active Directory” service.
  3. Select “App registrations” from the left-hand menu.
  4. Click on the “New registration” button.
  5. Enter a name for your application and select the “Single-tenant” option.
  6. Click on the “Create” button.
  7. Once the application is created, click on the “Overview” tab.
  8. Under the “Application ID” section, you will find your client ID.
  9. To obtain the client secret, click on the “Certificates & secrets” tab.
  10. Under the “Client secrets” section, click on the “New client secret” button.
  11. Enter a description for the client secret and select the expiration period.
  12. Click on the “Add” button.
  13. The client secret will be displayed on the screen. Make sure to copy and store it securely, as it will not be shown again.

Retrieve Client ID and Client Secret Programmatically

How do i get client id and client secret from azure

In addition to manual retrieval through the Azure Portal, you can programmatically obtain client ID and client secret using Azure AD libraries or REST APIs. This approach offers several benefits, including automation, scalability, and integration with your application’s codebase.

Azure AD Libraries

Azure AD provides libraries for various programming languages that simplify the process of retrieving client credentials. These libraries handle the authentication and communication with Azure AD, making it easier for developers to integrate Azure AD functionality into their applications.

For example, in Python using the Azure Identity library :

“`pythonfrom azure.identity import ClientSecretCredentialcredential = ClientSecretCredential( tenant_id=”your-tenant-id”, client_id=”your-client-id”, client_secret=”your-client-secret”)“`


You can also use REST APIs to retrieve client ID and client secret programmatically. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the authentication process, but it requires a deeper understanding of Azure AD authentication mechanisms.

To obtain client credentials using REST APIs, you need to make a POST request to the Azure AD token endpoint with the following parameters:

  • grant_type: Set to client_credentials
  • client_id: Your client ID
  • client_secret: Your client secret
  • resource: The resource you want to access (e.g.,

Advantages of Programmatic Retrieval

  • Automation:Programmatic retrieval allows you to automate the process of obtaining client ID and client secret, saving time and effort.
  • Scalability:You can easily scale your application to handle multiple client credentials without manual intervention.
  • Integration:Programmatic retrieval allows you to seamlessly integrate Azure AD functionality into your application’s codebase.

Disadvantages of Programmatic Retrieval

  • Security concerns:Storing client ID and client secret in code can introduce security risks if the code is compromised.
  • Complexity:Using Azure AD libraries or REST APIs requires a certain level of technical expertise.

Security Considerations

When storing and managing client ID and client secret programmatically, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure security:

  • Store credentials securely using encryption or a secure credential store.
  • Limit access to credentials to authorized personnel only.
  • Regularly rotate client secrets to prevent unauthorized access.

Final Summary

With the client ID and client secret firmly in your grasp, you possess the keys to unlocking the full potential of Azure AD. These credentials empower you to authenticate users, access protected resources, and seamlessly integrate your applications with the Microsoft cloud.

As you venture forth, remember to safeguard these credentials with the utmost care, for they hold the power to control access to your applications and data.

FAQ Summary

What is the purpose of the client ID and client secret?

The client ID identifies your application within Azure AD, while the client secret serves as a password for authenticating the application and protecting access to its resources.

How do I register an application in Azure AD?

You can register an application through the Azure portal or programmatically using Azure AD libraries or REST APIs.

Where can I find the client ID and client secret for my application?

Once you have registered your application, you can retrieve the client ID and client secret from the application settings in the Azure portal.

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